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Grilled Asparagus with Speck, Rosemary & Stracciatella Cheese

The perfect dish to ‘wow’ your guests – they’ll never know how easy it is to prepare.
This dish pairs perfectly with our Pooles Rock Semillon

Try This Recipe

Serves 4 | Preparation Time: 10min | Cooking Time 10min



1. Heat grill pan, when hot add asparagus and grill for 3-4min, then add salt and chopped speck then rosemary

2. Remove asparagus from grill pan and transfer into a large bowl. Dress while hot with ‘Rosemary Garlic balsamic reduction dressing

3. Place the stracciatella cheese on a large platter then lay asparagus on it, speck and some more rosemary on top and finish up with more dressing. Enjoy!